Prompt #29

Creative Clean-Up Starts Now

I am preparing to go on a little vacation (I know, in this economy?) and part of that process for me is a little creative reset. So our next few prompts are sort of Spring (or Summer) cleaning of our creative cobwebs so that we can jump back into the writing we care about.

Today’s prompt is more journaling than creative writing! Outlining what inspires us is the first step in our creative clean-up.

Your Writer Mode:

First, identify your “Writer Mode.” What mindset do you need to get your best writing done? How do you feel when you’re in this flow state? Do you need to feel excited and propulsive or Laid back and zen? Brainstorm for 2-3 minutes.

Paths to your Writer Mode for when you’re not feeling it:

Now, list things that bring you that “Writer Mode” state you defined. How do we get into a state suited for writing our best work? Ideally, it’s a state unclouded by outside worries, where we can focus on the passion project in front of us.

What are some things you can do to reset your day and drop into your writing mode? Maybe for days when work was tough, or you had too many things on your to-do list and you desperately needed to jump into your writing mindset to get words on the page? For me, it’s water. My pieces self jumps out whenever I’m stressed, and I flee to the beach in a fugue state and write on a dock somewhere in Malibu. Brainstorm for 3-4 minutes.

Creative Restoration Menu:

Lastly, make a list of things that restore your creativity, motivate, and inspire you. For me, it’s always a long wandering day in a museum, a night of theater, or a concert. List as many as you can think of. Consider this a “Restoration Menu” you can pull from when you feel blocked or burnt out.

Make your Menu:

Collate these ideas into a "Writing Zone Menu.” It can be handwritten or typed, but keep it somewhere easy to access when you need it.

At the top, write your ideal writing mode as you’ve defined it. Then list methods to help you drop into that mode,followed by methods to restore your creativity and inspiration so you have something to write when you get there!

I’m watching Atypical Family on Netflix and Troop Beverly Hills (1989).

I’m reading Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

I would love to see your ideas for creative restoration! Let me know in the comments or email me back! See ya next week :)


or to participate.